Chilli Market Analysis & Updates

Chilli Market Analysis & Updates

Chilli market analysis & trend — March,2017 Red chilli is one of the main cash crops in China, ranking first in the industrial scale of vegetables.From the perspective of the use of chilli is divided into fresh chilli and dried chili two categories, (a) Fresh chilli for direct consumption, the main producing areas are Hainan,…

newland New updates in the dried ginger market in October,2017

Ginger Market Trends, Analysis and Updates

Ginger preliminary statistics in Feb,2017 (1) Anqiu, Changyi and other large northern major producing areas, increase production, yield is very high. (2)The rapid development of Yunnan area, there is still a large number of unsold ginger, warm winter to make just a little bit loss of ginger under the ground, Yunnan ginger in many places…

Potatoes Market Expectations, Trends and Analysis

Potatoes Market Expectations, Trends and Analysis

Potato Market Forecasting In Feb,2017. At the beginning of 2016, the potato industry in China continued to develop steadily. The output of the local producing areas was greatly reduced due to the effects of extreme weather and epidemics. However, the output of the potato industry steadily declined slightly. Potential consumer demand for potatoes was relatively…

Dehydrated Vegetables market

The New Updates Of Dehydrated Vegetables Market

After the Spring Festival, prices in many categories of agricultural products in the southeastern region of China were significantly fluctuating. The prices of vegetables affected by the weather were significantly higher. The recent weather become fine and better, the temperature gradually picked up,there an adequate supply in the local market, vegetables prices start going down.…

Dehydrated Vegetable Market in Inner Mongolia

Investigation of Dehydrated Vegetable Market in Inner Mongolia

Inner Mongolia has gradually become a dehydrated vegetable processing base and one of origins of semi-finished raw materials, including area of Dengkou, Wuhai, Tuquan, Bayannaoer, Linhe and other regions. The main agricultural products are dried celery, sunflower, tomato, pumpkin, green beans, bell peppers. Its dehydrated vegetables production technology imported from Ningxia province since 1992. Till…